Musical Toys
Pepsi Products Charlie Brown Mini Metal Hand Bell (2004 Pepsi Promotion) $8.95
Pepsi Products Lucy Mini Metal Hand Bell (2004 Pepsi Promotion) $8.95
Chein Peanuts Cymbal Set $39.95
Chein Peanuts Cymbal Set $14.95
Pepsi Products Schroeder Mini Metal Hand Bell (2004 Pepsi Promotion) $8.95
Pepsi Products Snoopy Mini Metal Hand Bell (2004 Pepsi Promotion) $8.95
Trophy Music Co. Snoopy Mouth Harp $14.95
SHINE Snoopy Musical and Animated Coin Bank - Watch Snoopy Grab Your Money! $99.95
Mattel Snoopy Musical Jack in the Box - Plays Pop Goes The Weasal (Fair Condition/Worn) $14.95
Danara Snoopy Roly Poly Musical/Rattle Toy - Nice Musical Chimes Sound! $16.95
Danara Snoopy Roly Poly Musical/Rattle Toy - Nice Musical Chimes Sound! (New But Near Mint) $14.95
Danara Snoopy Vintage Roly Poly Musical/Rattle Toy - Nice Musical Chimes Sound (Good Condition) $10.95
Aviva Woodstock Chirping Melodies Electronic Toy $44.95